The beginner-friendly Learn to Code Workshop is where you'll discover the basics of HTML and CSS and how they are linked with JavaScript for creating web pages.
Do you want to learn web development? Join our beginner-friendly Learn to Code Workshop.
Our Learn to Code Workshop will teach you the basics of web development works, and how to keep on learning. You will learn the basics of HTML and CSS and how they are linked to JavaScript. In the first part, participants will learn the basics of web development and try out how to write their first lines of code. In the second part, participants create a simple project.
This is a practical workshop, don't forget to bring your own computer.
The beginner-friendly Learn to Code Workshop is where you'll discover the basics of HTML and CSS and how they are linked with JavaScript for creating web pages.
Join in-person at Strakonická 3367, Praha 5, 150 00
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Zjistěte víceJste zaměstnanec, živnostník, student, rodič na rodičovské dovolené nebo nezaměstnaný? Můžete si zažádat o 50tisícový příspěvek od Úřadu práce.
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